===== META-DATA & ANNOTATION ===== ==== METADATA FOR BUILDING SUB-CORPORA ==== The following parameters are used to select a sub-corpus or to segment the corpus into different sub-corpora (by genre, century, dialect, etc.). * Genre [[http://stih-sorbonne-universite.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=corpus| Link]] * Language [[http://stih-sorbonne-universite.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=corpus|Link]] * Dialect * Century * Form: verse/prose/hybrid * Relation: original, translation, adaptation, comment ==== OTHER META-DATA ==== Researchers can use other meta-data to refine their queries: * Author * Title * Date of composition * Date of manuscript * Date of the printed of the first edition * Geographical origin of the text * Bibliographic data * Reference of the manuscript * Scientific editors * Place of publication, name of commercial publisher, date of publication * Size of the text (number of words) * Origin of the corpus, funding ==== PoS-TAGGING ==== List of morpho-syntactic tags for CoRaLHis * ADJ = Adjective * ADV = Adverb * CON = Conjunction * DET = Determiner * NOM = Noun * PRE = Preposition * PRO = Pronoun * VER = Verb * PUN = Punctuation * INJ = Interjection